Monday, November 07, 2005

So, tonight that I might see...

Hello Ladies

Not much has been happening chez Manning. I'm wading through proofs of Diary Of A Crush to get them ready for US publication next summer. The three books look so cute! They'll totally rock any bookshelf!

Mostly I've been trying to ignore the loud bang of fireworks and squinting a lot. I've started this new Ortho K treament to correct my blind as a batness because I was riskng life and limb every time I took my glasses off to go swimming. I didn't fancy laser surgery but found that I could wear these special lenses at night while I sleep and then during the day I can actualy see. Well, I will be able to actually see. I started it on Friday night and I now have near perfect vision in my right eye,; my left eye is very weak so it will take more work. It's very strange not to be wearing my Enid Coleslaw specs.

Also, I'm getting comment spam from some stupid person with a 'make money from home' website. Does anyone know how to block users from your blog? I already work from home quite happily without signing up for some bogus get rich quick scheme!


Sarra x


Lose Weight said...
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Stacey said...

Hey Sarra.
Just to tell you that i love you and your one of my idols. You are my writing idol. I love all your books and I got my friend into them now we both point out character things in every day 'That dress is so Edie'. Thanks for getting me into things i wouldn't of noticed otherwise. I thought i'd set up a blog as you suggested so check it out if you have time. Keep it up and im looking forward to the new book. Take care xx